Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The 3 Types of Vitamins--
 What Are You REALLY Taking?

The 3 Types of Important Vitamins

What Are You Really Taking?
Important vitamins are diminishing from our food.
It is becoming more important to supplement our nutrition with the right vitamins - for better overall health.
There are basically 3 types of important vitamins on the market today: Synthetic, Crystallized, and Lyophilized.
This information is from Michael Pazdon's 'Organic Research' completed at the University of New Hampshire.
Synthetic (Chemical) 'Vitamins'
Synthetic 'vitamins' are made from inorganic chemical materials (i.e. petroleum by-products).
They are sold mainly in drug stores, pharmacies, and grocery stores.
These 'vitamins' act as drugs in the body. And, they may set up toxic reactions and rob the body of stored nutrients and antibodies. Not good!
Here are some quick tests for your vitamins...
Put one of your vitamins in a glass of room temp water for 1 hour. It will slowly start to break down. If it begins to leach black, tar like material, it likely contains petroleum by-products.
Also, if your vitamins smell bad - they have chemical additives.
And...if you 'burp up' your vitamins after you take them, they are notdoing you any good. Your stomach is reacting to the additives.
Good vitamins should not ooze black material, they should not smell, they should not cause indigestion.
Crystallized (Heat Processed) Vitamins
Crystallized vitamins are commonly labeled "Organic" or "Natural."
They are sold mainly in drug and health food stores.
These vitamins are derived at least partly from an organic whole food source - by a high temperature process.
Most of the live enzymes, necessary for absorption into the body, have been destroyed.
"Organic" and "Natural" do not necessarily mean "alive."
Dr. Prazdon's example: "If we placed a grain of corn in an oven to heat, then planted it, it would not grow."
Lyophilized (Low Temperature Dehydrated) Vitamins
Lyophilized vitamins are made from whole foods - dehydrated by a cold process (similar to freeze-drying).
This method preserves the complex important vitamins, biflavinoids, and enzymes found in Nature.
Enzymes necessary for absorption into the body remain intact.
Dr. Prazdon's example: "If a grain of corn is frozen...thawed and planted it will sprout and grow."
Make sure your vitamins are Lyophilized!
If they are not - you are wasting your money and possibly robbing your body of nutrients.
One site I have found whom carries the lyophilized vitamins is the Shaklee Corporation; however, I'm still searching for all options!
Articles from www.christianfamily.com & www.naturaladvocate.blogspot.com
On a personal note, I like to look at vitamins as "health insurance" so to speak.  It is used/needed on the days that I might not consume the vitamins & minerals in natural foods.   Our body craves the vitamins & minerals, and the right amount of macronutrients(depending on your lifestyle & physical activity)...  it does not crave "calories" so it is best to get the right type of vitamins when you do take them and NOT waste your money on faulty brands.     - Christie

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